Are you looking for a rewarding career?
Looking for a career in the taxi industry? Here’s what you need to know to become a taxi driver with Taxis United LTD:
- You must obtain a ‘P’ endorsement from NZTA to legally drive a taxi.
- You’ll also need a Certificate in Level 1 First Aid and NZQA Unit Standard 1748.
- Taxis United LTD provides on-the-job training, including 10 to 20 hours of practical training and study time with guides and manuals.
- During training, you’ll be assessed on your competency in operating taxi equipment, driving safely, communicating effectively with passengers, and providing excellent customer service.
- It’s recommended that you obtain your First Aid certificate before beginning your training.
- Becoming a taxi driver can be a rewarding career that allows you to meet new people and make a positive impact on their lives.
At Taxis United LTD, we provide our new drivers with comprehensive on-the-job training to ensure that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide excellent service to our customers. Our training program typically involves 10 to 20 hours of practical training, as well as study time with our guides and manuals.
Apply for a position with Taxis United LTD today!